Dork Diaries:Tales From a Not So Popular Party Girl
Written by Rachel Renee Russell
Reviewed by MMM (age 11)

Do you like Rachel Renee Russell books? I do. My favorite is Dork Diaries Tales From A Not So Popular Party Girl. It is about a girl named Nikki. She has a big huge crush on the most popular boy named Brandon. And there is a popular girl named Mackenzie who is super mean with Nikki. But the good part is there is a prom coming up next week. And guess what, Brandon asked Nikki to the prom! Whom do you think Brandon likes? Is it Nikki,the nice girl,or Mackenzie the super mean girl?
It’s a good book for all ages because the story can be interesting because it is just like life and tries to be funny. But even if you are bored you can read this book if you want to find out a "recipe for disaster". This book is mainly about popular girls, popular boys, and last but not least dorks too. Also it’s sort of about grades, proms, and people in love just like real high school. It is also about Nikki’s little sister who bugs Nikki when she is trying to get good grades. This book could help you get ready to go to high school and understand what's going on there. Some of the characters make some bad decisions, but most of their decisions are good just like you will want to make when you are in high school. It is a fun book for all ages and no boy or girl can miss the humor of it. Besides if you have a big sister or brother you can learn pranks to do on her or him with this book. The book gives some ideas of what might work and what won't work. This story might actually happen to you someday and reading the book will get you ready. Oh, by the way it shows a recipe for disaster on the back of the book if you are interested.