The Boxcar Children
Written by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Illustrated by Likate Deal
Reviewed by Amanda R. (age 8)

I read the book The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner. There are four children. Their names are: Violet, Jessie, Benny and Henry. There is a dog. His name is Watch. There is a grandfather. The grandfather was trying to find the kids. They think that their grandfather is mean. He did not like their mom, so they thought that he would not like them either. They went to a bakery to buy something to eat. The owner was mean and the children ran away. They went into the woods and found an old boxcar. The oldest brother Henry got a job for a man who knew his grandfather. The grandfather turned out to be nice and the children went to live with him. This is the first book, but there are more books about the Boxcar Children.
I liked Violet because she is helpful and nice. She was helpful when she made the tablecloth for the table in the boxcar.
I liked when they built a swimming pool in the brook. It was fun for them to go swimming.
I like the book because they found the boxcar and they made it into their house.
I recommend this book to first to fourth graders because I think they would enjoy when the kids find the boxcar.