The Littlest Leaguer
Written by Syd Hoff
Reviewed by Jesus (age 7)

The littlest leaguer didn’t know how to play baseball. The littlest leaguer was sitting on the bench and then the big kids came and pushed him on the ground. Then the littlest leaguer gave the big kids cold drinks. Then the big kids started playing baseball. The big kid that had the bat stepped in a hole and twisted his ankle. Two big kids came and helped him to the bench. The coach said the littlest leaguer needs to go in the game. Then the littlest leaguer said ok. Then the littlest leaguer went where he was supposed to be, held the bat and said he was ready. The big kid threw the ball and the littlest leaguer hit a home run, ran to first base, second base, third base, home plate, and then he won the game. Everyone cheered for the littlest leaguer and the coach gave him a gold medal.
I liked this book because it was about baseball and I like baseball. My favorite part was that the littlest leaguer didn’t know how to play baseball and he learned how to play and then he got a home run and his team cheered for him and he got a gold medal. I hit a home run like the littlest leaguer and won the game. It made me happy. The part that made me sad was when the littlest leaguer was sitting on a bench and the big kids came and pushed him on the ground. That was mean.
I would recommend my book to kids that love to play baseball and kids that play sports. I would recommend my book to boys.