Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw
Written by Jeff Kinney
Illustrated by ChadW.Beckerman
Reviewed by Greg G. (age 12)

''You know how you're supposed to come up with a list of resolutions at the beginning of the year to try to make yourself a better person?'' Well, Greg's problem is it's not easy to improve himself. When his dad says he is going to military academy, Greg tries to whip into shape.
The book is great because it's funny. There is a series. It is the third of the series. All the books are alike in a way. They will all make you think you are there because of the pictures in your mind. Greg is an interesting character because he has bad luck and can't ever win. The illustrator used black and white drawings. The stick people make the book better than it really is because they're simple and funny.
I would recommend this book to kids and teens because it is really funny. People that like to laugh will like this book.