Three Samurai Cats
Written by Eric Kimmel
Illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein
Reviewed by Aaron R. (age 14) & Jonathan S. (age 12)

In a castle in Japan there was a daimyo that has a problem with a rat. But his is not your average rat: he is enormous, he eats too much, he makes a mess, and he sleeps a lot. The daimyo goest to the docho, a senior monk, and asks for help. The docho sends three samurai cats to help the daimyo fight the rat.
This story has a twist in the end that caught our attention. This makes the book enjoyable to read because we did not expect the story to end that way. The colorful book is filled with comical and action-filled illustrations. Our favorite character is the bad, raunchy rat that makes peoples lives miserable! We all know somebody like that - someone who needs to learn their lesson. You'll have to read the book to see what kind of a lesson the rat learns.
We recommend this book to elementary and middle school students. It makes you laugh and think about how you act in front of people.