The Maze of Bones
Written by Rick Riordan
Reviewed by Amanda M. (age 11)

Dan and Amy Cahill are two orphans that live with their mean Aunt Beatrice and their au pair, Nellie. Their grandmother, Grace Cahill, is a rich kind of person who lives in a big mansion of her own. When Amy and Dan find out that Grace died of sickness, they are very upset. They and Aunt Beatrice are invited to “The reading of the will” at Grace’s mansion where tons of relatives gather there to hear it.
There, 30 people are chosen to hear Grace’s will. Dan and Amy were shocked to hear that they are actually related to some of the most famous people in history. People like Benjamin Franklin, Lewis and Clark, and even Mozart. Then they hear of The 39 Clues. Grace’s agent tells them that they have a choice: 1. To take the $1 million that is under each of their chairs, or, 2. To risk their lives and travel all around the world to try and solve The 39 Clues mystery. After thinking about the decision for a while, they finally decided to take the challenge and try to solve The 39 Clues, although their aunt wasn’t to happy about it.
Dan and Amy learn that sometimes family are not as nice as they seem. They have a lot on their minds, including that they’ve got social services chasing after them, almost the entire family against them, and after Grace’s mansion burned down., they weren’t feeling to good. But besides that, they were fine. Their au pair, Nellie kindly agreed to go and travel with them all over the world to find the 39 clues. Along with Nellie, Dan and Amy travel to Paris and all kinds of other places around the world. Will Amy, Dan and Nellie make it to the clues in time, or will their relative’s blast them to pieces before the can even reach the first clue? Read The 39 Clues to find out!
The thing I liked most about The 39 Clues is when Dan and Amy were in the catacombs and they were trying to find the next clue because it was really sad when Dan had to let go of the only picture left of his parents to save himself from getting hit by a subway train. I think I am like Amy in the book because she loves to read, and I do to. When you read the other books in the series, Book 2: One False Note and Book 3: The Sword Thief and Book 4: Beyond the Grave, you’ll understand it more.
I recommend this book to people who like action and exciting books because it is a great book to read and it has a lot of exciting parts in it. This book would be great for people about 5 and up because it is really funny and because it is kind of sad, too. I hope you get a chance to read this amazing book!