Written by Ian Falconer
Illustrated by Ian Falconer
Reviewed by student in Annie and Tara's 2nd Grade Class

This book is about Olivia, who is good at lots of things. She loves to get dressed because one part shows a picture of her changing into all kinds of stuff. In one part, she painted an art picture on the wall and her mommy gets angry because the wall gets all messy and she gets in a time out. Last, Olivia asks for 5 books and her mom says no, they decide on 3 books. Olivia dreams of being a chorus singer.
This is a funny book because she painted a portrait of herself and it looked funny. I think the characters are funny and curious. Olivia is not very nice to Ian, but she is special because she dresses in a lot of things. I love the illustrations because they show funny things that Olivia is doing. I also like the colors. They show her little brother Ian copying things Olivia is doing. My favorite part is when she painted on the bathroom wall and she got a time out. I like the picture of it.
I would recommend this book because she is funny. If you like funny jokes you should read Olivia.