Surprise! Surprise!
Written by Michael Foreman
Illustrated by Michael Foreman
Reviewed by Austin T (age 7)

If you like surprises read the book Surprise! Surprise! In the story it’s the panda’s mom’s birthday. Panda wants to buy his mom a present so he got his piggybank and took out his money. The next day he went to the store and bought his mom a plant. When he went home he sneaked to the attic and put it there. He was brave so he got his moonlight and put it with the plant every night. In the morning he put the water in the plant.
I like this book because every time my mom has a birthday we buy her a present. My favorite part is when the panda gives his mom a surprise! His mom opens the door to the surprise and in the door there is a huge flower. There are bats on it for some reason. I like the illustrations because there are pandas instead of plain old people and they use all different kinds of colors like black, white, pink, blue, and green.
I recommend this book to people that like surprises and who like giving there mom presents. I think the ages who should read this is 7 and up.