Mr. Topsy-Turvy
Written by Roger Hargreaves
Illustrated by Roger Hargreaves
Reviewed by Eliza S (age 7)

Have you ever met somebody who speaks backwards? Well, Mr. Topsy-Turvy speaks and nobody knows what he is saying! In Mr. Topsy-Turvy house, the windows are upside-down. His door is upside-down. His chimney is upside-down. Mr. Topsy-Turvy goes to town and goes to find a hotel to spend the night. He says to the hotel manager, “Afternoon good I’d room I like.” instead of “I’d like a room.” Will everybody stay really mixed-up, or will something else surprising happen? Read to find out!!!!
I think Mr. Topsy-Turvy is funny and annoying! Mr. Topsy-Turvy affects other people with what he does. Like the time he went to the library and put all the books upside-down on the shelves and made everybody EXTREMELY angry! When Mr. Topsy-Turvy goes to town, everything goes wrong! It reminds me of a day when I do something wrong and it can make other people mad! I can see how people get mad when other people mix them up! The illustrations are really funny! You need to look closely at the illustrations to see some of the funny things!
I recommend this book to people who like funny and silly books! If you like Mr. Topsy-Turvy you should check out some of the other Little Miss and Mr. books such as Mr. Nonsense and Mr. Silly!