Comeback of the Homerun Kid
Written by Matt Christopher
Reviewed by Vito C. (age 9)

Do you like baseball? Have you ever felt lousy about what you do? Then you might want to read the book Comeback of the Homerun Kid by Matt Christopher. This book is about a kid named Sylvester who breaks his ankle and needs to regain his strength and confidence before he plays again. Will he ever play the best again?
The main reason I liked this book is because it is about baseball and I like baseball. Right now, I am in a slump so I feel like Sylvester. I can understand how the main character, Sylvester, changed in the book. In the beginning, he was mad that he broke his ankle. At the end, he was a lot better because he regained his strength. In many of Matt Christopher books, the main characters get hurt or are in a slump. Just like in this book when Sylvester breaks his ankle.
This book is like another book I have read called The Lucky Kid. The main character is Johnny and he lies about giving the best present to his friend but it really was not Johnny who gave the present. Sylvester also lied about being a perfect player. This made the characters seem more like a real kid.
I would recommend this book to 3rd and 4th graders because it has some hard vocabulary that might be a stretch for second graders. If you like baseball or other sports, you will really like this book.