Dear Dumb Diary, Let's Pretend this Never Happened
Written by Jim Benton
Reviewed by Jillianne O. (age 9)

If you like journal writing, Dear Dumb Diary, Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jim Benton is the right book for you! This realistic fiction book is about a middle school girl, Jamie Kelly, who expresses her mind, her feelings, problems and things that go on in school. In this book, Jamie does something she wished she had not done and she makes it worse by not being honest.
There are many reasons why I enjoyed this book. I like the humor Jamie uses in her diary when she makes fun of people. This book is written in a unique way because it is a diary. You get to see Jamie's secret thoughts. Because the date is on each page, it helps you know when things happened. Each diary entry also has an illustration that is Jamie's drawing. These help me see how Jamie is seeing the world.
There are several books in this series. They are kind of the same because they are all about Jamie's opinion of Angeline. In every book, Jamie thinks Angeline is a show-off.
I would recommend this book to 10 to 13 year-old girls who have problems with a popular girl in school. It also has difficult vocabulary. Younger readers might not understand the humor.