Chelsea's New Home
Written by Kimberley M. Levy
Illustrated by Terry Herman
Reviewed by LayWah A. (age 8)

This story is about Chelsea?s new home. She told her friend she wanted a new home. She also makes new friends while looking for her new home. Chelsea would walk and walk until she ? If you want to know if Chelsea found her new home, then you need to get this book.I think that there is a lesson to learn: Do not want something that is better than your home. The ending makes me happy because... Like I said, you have to read the book.
The illustrations are nice because they go with the story. They are very colorful. My favorite character is Chelsea because I think she is very brave, especially since she tries to find a new home. This book reminds me of children that need homes.
I would like to recommend this book to other children because it is friendly and if you are an animal lover then it is nice.