Oh the THINKS You Can Think!
Written by Dr. Seuss
Illustrated by Dr. Seuss
Reviewed by Jessica S. (age 6)

This book is about things that you can think about. Here are some things you can think- a guff going, snuvs, birds flying in da-dake, or think how much water can fifty-five elephants drink. My favorite part was with all of the birds. It was good because they all have their eyes closed and that makes them look funny. The page with the guys with the flags in their hands shows me to always try. I liked it because it was funny. My favorite character was Peter the Postman because he crosses the ice once everyday and on Saturday twice.
I would recommend this book to people that like to read and people who like funny books. I have read it 10 times. This book is like other Dr. Seuss books because they are all make believe.