It's Too Noisy
Written by Robert Rosen
Illustrated by Robert Rosen
Reviewed by Elliot W. (age 7)

Have you ever tried to read a book and there was too much noise? In the beginning of this book, Annie is downstairs. She is trying to read a book. Her brother is playing a drum! Then, Annie tries to go to her room and read. After that, her family is washing the dishes and it’s too noisy again. Read the book to find out where Annie goes to read her book in peace and quiet.
In my opinion, this is a good book. The story has nice characters that are respectful to one another. I like Annie because she is the main character and she is kind. The pictures in this book are amazing and super good! There are so many details in each picture.
I recommend this book to everyone who loves to read. I think this is a good book for ages seven to nine.
I rate this book 4 ½ stars out of five stars.