Bailey School Kids: Sea Monsters Don't Ride Motorcycles
Written by Debbie and Marcia Thorton Jones Dadey
Illustrated by John Steve Gurney
Reviewed by Colleen S. (age 9)

Have you ever felt like you don't know who somebody is? But you may want to know them.There is a girl named Jessie. She has a weird connection with sea monsters. Eddie is a boy who wants to know who it is. Eddie wants to know who it is because she is riding a motorcycle around town. But Eddie has know idea who it is. Eddie loves to solve problems. Eddie likes to solve problems because they are fun and interesting.They are fun to Eddie because he sometimes gets bored. Eddie might move. You just have to find out how he acts.
I liked this book a lot. It was a good book because it was really interesting. It was interesting because there was mysteries and adventures. Like when Eddie tried to figure out who the sea monster was. My favorite part was when he got free tickets. I liked Eddie because he likes to go on adventures and explore.For example when he found out who was riding the motorcycle and when he found out who won the race. I didn't like his grandma because she didn't care about anything Eddie said. She never changes her mind.
I recommend this book for ages 6-11. If you like action, adventure and interesting things. I am 9 and I liked this book. I didn't want to stop reading. Have you ever felt like you want to do something like go on a adventure or explore,if so this is a good book for you.