I Am Six
Written by Ann Morris
Illustrated by (photographs by) Nancy Sheehan
Reviewed by Fatma D. (age 6) & Katie P. (age 6)

The book first says, "I am six." Then it talks about the whole class. Then it talks about their pets: a snake, a hamster, and a mouse. It is an easy book. We love the book. We think the kids will love it. This is about the Manhattan New School. That?s our school. The kids in the book talk and read. The kids go to the zoo. They walk and talk. They write. They count and paint. The pictures were taken by a camera. They are photographs. Some pages have handprints. It looks like finger-paint. They are beautiful!
We like the book because we like to play every day too. We like school and the book is about school. This is a fun book. We love this book because they have colors in the book and it shows what school is like. It reminded us of our kindergarten classes last year. We think Nancy Sheehan has a good eye for photographs and she cuts them out neatly too. It is an old book. The kids used to be six, but they are twelve years old now. Their teacher is not at the Manhattan New School now. We think their classroom looks like our class.
People that are six will love this book. We recommend this book to six-year-olds and all kids who go to the Manhattan New School. We also recommend this book to kids that might come to the Manhattan New School and learn there. It talks about coming and joining the fun. Kids who are starting kindergarten will also like this book.