Sammy Dog Detective
Written by Colleen Stanley Bare
Illustrated by Colleen Stanley Bare (photographs by)
Reviewed by Stephen K. (age 7) & Robert K. (age 8)

Did you know a dog could be a detective? Well, Sammy is. Sammy learned to be a canine dog detective from the time he was one year old. Sammy won many awards and contests all over the western states. Sammy is strong, smart, fast and brave. If you want to know more facts about Sammy, you should read this book.
We think the author used a lot of detail in the book by using descriptions about Sammy. For example, what he does in the morning, what he does at night and what he does before training. The pictures are photographs not drawings and they match the words. The book is non-fiction.
We would recommend this book to everybody that likes dogs and detectives.