Cloud Tea Monkeys
Written by Mal Peet Elspeth Graham
Illustrated by Juan Wijngaard
Reviewed by JP (age 9)

The book Cloud Tea Monkeys is about a little girl and her mom. Her mom gets sick and she couldn’t make the little girl tea, so the little girl had to go work for her mom. The little girl has to carry a basket on her head and it would get heavier and heavier because she has to pick young tea leaves she has to fill up the big basket but, the mom’s boss didn’t like the idea of the little girl working so he sent her back home but, instead of going home she went to the forest near her house and started to cry.
My favorite part of the book was when the monkeys saw the little girl and they started to help her get tea leaves and fill up the basket. I think that the little girl reminded me of my sister because when my grandma was sick my sister was helping her a lot and mostly every day. I think that this book is special to me because it shows me how to care for other people. What I feel about this book is that it is a good book and a lot of people could read this book.
I do recommend this book because it was not hard for me at all. I recommend this book to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and all the other upper grades to read this book because it is a really good book for them but I don’t think it’s a good book for little kids to read because the words could be difficult for them.
I think that the part when the monkeys helped the little girl get the tea leaves and when the little girl goes to work for her mom are the parts that the readers would like and think it is interesting. I also like it when the mom and the little girl have a cup of tea at the end. I think that this is my most favorite book because it shows you how to care for other people accept for yourself.
I think that this is a really good book for everybody and little kids could listen to the book being read to them but I think they would still have trouble reading it by their self.