Happy Birthday, Bad Kitty
Written by Nick Bruel
Reviewed by JG (age 10)

Bad kitty wanted to sleep all day for his birthday. But the owner of bad kitty wanted to celebrate bad kitty’s birthday. But once again bad kitty does not want to. So bad kitty’s owner makes him get up and decorate. He did the opposite thing instead of the right thing. Finally all his guests came. Now read Bad Kitty’s Birthday to find out what happens during his party.
My favorite part in the book is when bad kitty wakes up fast because his owner says time for your birthday breakfast. A character that I found interesting is strange kitty because he was very quiet. Strange kitty reminds me of a friend named Jeassica because she was always quiet. Because it is anamusing book, I enjoyed reading it. It does remind me of a time in my life when it was my birthday.
I recommend for you to read this amazing book because it might remind you of your birthday. Also it is an easy read. You might read this book because you might like strange stories. If you are a child you should really read this book.