Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Written by Judith Viorst
Illustrated by Ray Cruz
Reviewed by A.J. (age 5)

The story is about Alexander and his horrible day. His day was horrible because his brother pushed him into the mud, he didn't find a prize in his cereal box, and then the cat didn't want to sleep with him.
I thought the book was kind of sad because Alexander was having such a horrible day. I also thought it was funny like when he drew an invisible castle and thought it was the best drawing in the class or when he says he's moving to Australia.
The pictures in the story made Alexander look really cranky since they were in black and white. Being cranky reminds me of my sister, she was especially cranky when she feel in the mud while flying a kite.
I think other kids would like to hear this story because then they can learn about feeling cranky or happy or sad.
(This review was dicated.)