Emma Kate
Written by Patricia Polacco
Reviewed by Hannah (age 7), Anna (age 10) & Parker (age 10)

The story Emma Kate is about an elephant with a friend named Emma Kate. The elephant thinks Emma Kate is real, but she’s just an imaginary person.
Emma Kate and the elephant are best friends that do everything together. Like sometimes they ride their bikes, play soccer, and they do a lot of other things together.
We recommend this book to younger kids because the book isn’t very long and the pages only have about a sentence on them.
We liked Patricia Polacco’s pictures because she uses all gray and black except for a little reddish color. We also like this book because she gives a lot of examples of why Emma Kate is her best friend. Even though the book says simple words, we still know that they have a great friendship, and we like the book because of that.
We love this book and we give it two thumbs up.