The Doll People
Written by Ann M Martin
Illustrated by Brian Sdznick
Reviewed by Diksha.J (age 10)

Annable Doll, an eight year old doll, has lived for more than a hundred years in the house. Whenever the humans are asleep at night, she and her doll family would come back to life. Nothing interesting had been going on until one day, the Funcrafts another family moved in. Then there is a lot of fun and some disappointments.
The characters in this book are interesting because they are not people, they are dolls who come to life. They have their own secrets and mysterys to unravel. There are aunts and grandmas, birthday party and celebrations too.
The book has adventure, action and a touch of romance, which is why I recommend it to young people who like to collect dolls and love an exciting life.
This book reminded me of Toy Story, the movie. The toys come alive and interact like real families. I also like this book because it has plenty of illustrations. The book also made me realise that, perhaps, dolls, like pets, have feelings too!