Geronimo Stilton: Field Trip to Niagara Falls
Written by Geronimo Stilton
Reviewed by Nina K. (age 9)

Did you ever go to Niagara Falls? Then you should read Geronimo Stilton Field Trip to Niagara Falls. One day Geronimo Stilton thought Benjamin’s class was going to his work, but when he got his glasses it said they were going on a field trip to Niagara Falls! When they went to Niagara Falls, Miss Angel Paws saw a man named Gentle Mouse. When Miss Angel Paws and Gentle Mouse were little they both like each other. Then…
I like this book because the characters were cool. They didn’t use people, but they use mice as characters. I like Geronimo Stilton books because they’re really funny! My favorite part is when Benjamin’s class set out the BIG fire. I like that part because they were being helpful and they never gave up on setting out the BIG fire.
I recommend that everyone should read this book because it also teaches you about Niagara Falls. If you like Geronimo Stilton books, then you should read this book.