There's a Hamster in My Lunchbox
Written by Susan Clymer
Illustrated by Paul Casale
Reviewed by Christian P (age 9)

In the story There’s a Hamster In My Lunch Box, you will meet Elizabeth. She is in third grade with her best friend Janna. Their teacher is Mr. Jenkins. One day there was a hamster on Mr. Jenkins desk. Someone left it there as a Halloween gift. He was surprised to find this hamster on his desk. Mr. Jenkins doesn’t know whether or not to keep the hamster. After several weeks Mr. Jenkins decided to keep it. Elizabeth is determined to find out who brought it in. Will Elizabeth find out who put the hamster on Mr. Jenkins desk and why?
I think the book was exciting because the hamster named Squeaks gets lost a lot. Squeaks got lost at Elizabeth’s house when she got to take him home and he got lost in school. I think this is one of my favorite books because I didn’t know what was going to happen next! It kept me curious. You don’t know if they will find Squeaks or not. I like the part when Elizabeth lost the hamster in school. She brought it in and the hamster escaped by biting the latch.
I recommend reading there’s A Hamster in My Lunchbox to someone who has a hamster because there’s a hamster in the story that keeps getting lost. This story teaches you that hamsters hide a lot and drive you crazy but you should keep what you love.