Race to the Tower of Power
Written by Catherine Lukas and Adam Peltzman
Illustrated by Dave Aikins
Reviewed by Patrick P. (age 6), Katherine P. (age 6) & Jessica Z. (age 6)

We picked this book because we watched this movie, and the movie was cool!!!
The story is about rangers who are trying to get the key of the earth! The super villain is trying to destroy the earth. The rangers are trying to race to the tower of power because they need to get the power key to the earth. It is very hard to get the key. Read the book to learn if they get it and save the world!
We liked a lot of things in the book. We liked it because it is on TV and it reminded us of the movie. We liked Pablo most because he is the most powerful ranger. His power is everything. Pablo is in a lot of the movies. We liked the story because it makes us think of racing and of towers. The story was powerful.
We think this book belongs to big kids because it has big words. Little kids might like it because they like the show, but it is hard to read.
are students in
Miss Coppeto's and Ms. Eilen's K-6th Grade Reading Club