A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Written by David A. Adler
Illustrated by Robert Casilla
Reviewed by Logan W. (age 9)

Do you want to learn about Martin Luther King Jr.? If you do, then look for A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. You will also learn a lot of history from this book.
My favorite part in the book is the March on Washington when Martin said these words: "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." I heard the Washington speech on the internet. It made me feel really good. Dr. King wanted to fight hate with love. This book is very interesting. It has a lot of information so I can imagine what he did. On every page it teaches you about this time in history.
Before I read this book I didn't like history of any kind, but I learned a lot of history from this book. Even if you don't like history, you might get interested like I did. If you like people who fight hate with love, this book is for you. Do you know how Martin Luther King, Jr. died? You can find this out as well as other information about his life in this book.