1 Dangerous Animals

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Dangerous Animals

Written by The Nature Company Discoveries Library

Reviewed by Aidan G. (age 8)

Dangerous Animals

Tigers, White Rhinos, Hippo, African Elephants, and Zebras, These are some of the dangerous animals you will read about in this book.

This book has a lot of interesting facts about dangerous animals. The book starts off with a map of the world showing the dangerous animals in each area. The archer fish is a danger to bugs. It shoots water at them and then eats them. There are at least 37 different animals that live in the sea, air and land that you can learn about in this book. Read the book to learn about all 37 animals. I thought the book was really interesting because it has a lot of animals that are weird in many different ways.

My favorite part is when the book explained the dangers. I really enjoyed reading about all these animals. My favorite animal in the book is the zebra. I learned zebras kick predators with its back legs. The illustrations are amazing. I like the way the pictures wrap around the facts. The best part is the map in the beginning of the book. It helps you place animals in their natural habitat.

I recommend this book to people who like learning about dangerous animals and what makes them dangerous.