Judy Moody Predicts the Future
Written by Megan McDonald
Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds
Reviewed by M.C. (age 7)

The book "Judy Moody Predicts the Future" is about a girl who has a lot of moods. The characters are Judy Moody and Stink (her brother). The setting is at school and at home. The problem is she can't predict the future. Judy Moody gets a mood ring and hopes that she gets purple. But instead her ring was black. That meant she was in a bad mood. So she threw away the ring in the trash. Then her brother took it. And then it turned green which meant jealous. She wanted it back but her brother would not let her. So she stole it and brought it to school.
My favorite part is when Judy wants a bad mood. She wants to get in a bad mood to prove the mood ring is right. She also tried to get her brother and dad in a bad mood. It reminds me when I get in a bad mood from my parents. I liked the illustrations. I liked them because they were funny and had funny details. The illustrator had used pen with the illustrations.
I recommend this book to first grade and second graders who have a lot of moods. You should read this book because it is so funny!