The Barking Mouse
Written by Antonio Sacre
Illustrated by Alfredo Aguirre
Reviewed by Kevin R. (age 9)

The Raton family was having a picnic. Papa and Mama Raton were smooching. Brother and Sister said, ?Eeeeeeew!? Papa said, ?Go play by yourselves. We are going to be smooching.? A cat came along and saw them. Brother and Sister called him Gato Flaco. The cat ran after them. Papa said, ?I?m not afraid of the cat!? He jumped behind Mama. She barked at the cat in Spanish. The cat ran away because he thought she was a dog and he was scared. Mama said, ?It?s good to speak another language.?
I liked the book because there was smooching. I liked the part when they called the cat Gato Flaco. It was a funny book. It had Spanish words in it and I know Spanish.
I would recommend this book to Marcelino because I think he would like the smooching the Papa and the Mama did. I think people who like to smooch will like this book. People who like to speak other languages will like this book.