Joseph had a Little Overcoat
Written by Simms Taback
Reviewed by Monica L. (age 9)

Joseph had a little overcoat. He started to sew it with different colors because it had holes. Then, he kept cutting it into smaller pieces. Then he made it so small that he did not have anything. Then he wrote a book to show his family the things he used to have. Joseph wrote a song for his friends and family about the coat.
I like the pictures because there are different colors and shapes. The animals have beautiful colors too. Joseph?s family also has beautiful clothes.
I liked when Joseph came to the city to visit his married sister because he did not get to see her a lot. I always visit my cousin who lives in Brooklyn and we always read books together. The whole song was nice and it made me laugh because it is funny. La la la.
My cousin, my aunt, my friends and my family should read this book because they will like the story and the pictures.