Young Martial Arts Enthusiasts
Written by David Mitchell
Illustrated by Andy Crawford - Photographer
Reviewed by Luis R. (age 9)

The "Young Martial Arts Enthusiast" by David Mitchell is a very good book. I learned a lot from this book. I learned that there are many different kinds of martial arts. There is Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Wu Shu, Judo, Karate, Kendo, and Thai Boxing. The book teaches you how to protect yourself. So it is really good for people who want to know how to protect themselves. Because there are so many different kinds of martial arts, people can pick the kind of martial arts classes that they like and just go to that one.
If someone is trying to hit you or hurt you, you can defend yourself if you know martial arts. I learned that you always have to look your opponent in the eyes when you do martial arts. This book also shows you exercises you can do to stay fit, like push-ups and stretches. A lot of people work very hard to earn their martial arts belts. The belts represent the levels you are in.
My favorite part about the book is that it shows you that when someone is trying to hit you, you can use the techniques that are in the book to stay safe. I will tell people I like to read "The Young Martial Arts Enthusiast," because after I have read it I know how to protect myself. I want my friends to read this book because then they will not get hurt when they have to fight someone else.
I do not think martial arts is bad because if you learn it you learn how to fight. Also I do not think it is dangerous. It is helpful. When I learn more about it, it will not be bad for me, but it will be bad for anyone who tries to hurt me.