Chicken Little
Written by Steven Kellogg
Illustrated by Steven Kellogg
Reviewed by Tommy Cu. (age 7)

This book is about characters, Foxy Loxy, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Lucy, Turkey Lurkey, and Hippo Hefty. It takes place on the walkway and the fields. In the beginning, Chicken Little was walking home and a nut fell on her head. Then Henny Penny jumped because she saw Chicken Little yelling, "The sky is falling." Then Henny Penny was yelling, "The sky is falling." At the end, Chicken Little was glad the sky wasn't really falling and he had a family.
My favorite part was when Foxy Loxy disguised himself as a police officer and tried to capture the animals. It was very sneaky of him.This story was different than the movie, but still really good. I liked the pictures of all the animals dressed up.
I would recommend this book to Sean K. because he likes yellow and Chicken Little is yellow! Most kids my age would like this story because it would make you smile.