1 Love That Dog

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Love That Dog

Written by Sharon Creech

Reviewed by Erica C. (age 10)

Love That Dog

As you may know, Sharon Creech has written many interesting, and fantastic books, but one of my favorites is "Love That Dog". "Love That Dog" tells a story about a young boy named Jack who says he can't write poetry. He thinks that he will get teased by the boys because, as he says, "Boys don't write poetry, girls do". His teacher reads famous poetry to the class, and hopes that this will help Jack see his gift. The only problem is that even though she reads the poems well, Jack doesn't really understand them at first. He writes to his teacher about this and more. As the book progresses, Jack starts to remember his dog. Now with the inspiration of his dog and the help of his teacher will he break through?

I think "Love That Dog" is one of the best books. I like this book because people can actually experience what it's like to not want to write something and to not understand something in a piece of text just like Jack. The character, Jack, reminds me of my friend, Kira, because they're both funny and now good writers thanks to their encouraging teachers and their dogs. I think this is an interesting book because it's different from any other (that I've read). It's different because all it is, is notes to a teacher (you don't read her notes; they're not there). I like this kind of writing because it's not prose; it's written like poetry, but it has the description, emotion, and humor of prose.

I recommend this book to all readers, poetry writers, and dog lovers. The book is the best, because it's clever, unique, and, well it's just good. I hope you like this book, and to all good readers... Read This Book!!!!