Kids Pick the Funniest Poems
Written by Bruce Lansky (Selected by)
Illustrated by Stephen Carpenter
Reviewed by Peter M. (age 7)
![Kids Pick the Funniest Poems](/user-image/1094.gif)
The book is about funny poems. In the poem "Monsters in My closet" there's a little boy that has monsters in his closet. These monsters clean his room and do his chores for him. Mummy cleans the room. Frankenstein cleans the closet and there are other monsters that help him out. In the poem "If I were Ruler of the World" the little boy wishes that he could have his own way. He wishes that his sister would eat a bug. If he were ruler of the world he would tear down his school and build a park. What else does he wish for?
I liked these two poems because they were funny. In "Monsters in my Closet" the monsters were cleaning up the little boy's room so they could get some food. In both poems the two little boys don't want to clean their rooms. I think that the illustrations in "Monsters in my Closet" are really good because they show what each monster is supposed to be doing. Mummy looks really funny with an apron on that says, "I love Housework." In the poem "If I were Ruler of the World" I like the part where the little boy says that if he were ruler of the world, he would tell his older sister to go and eat a bug. Eating bugs are nasty!
I recommend this poem book to people who like to laugh. The poems are very funny. I think that little kids would like this book because the poems are about little kids and they are very funny.