1 The Boxcar Children

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

The Boxcar Children

Written by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Illustrated by Likate Deal

Reviewed by Leanne T. (age 8)

The Boxcar Children

This book is about four children named Violet, Benny, Henry, and Jessie Alden. One night they stood in front of a bakery, and nobody knew them. They were homeless because their mom and dad died. One day they find an old boxcar in the woods, and live in in it. How will the children survive? Will somebody find them? Will they live in a real home? Read this book to find out!

I thought the story was amazing because the children found a cool place to live. I love that they’re adventurous. The boxcar children reminded me of when I went camping in woods, and found an old cabin. It was falling apart like the boxcar. My favorite part was when they found a dog in the woods because the dog was cute.

I think this book is amazing for kids because the characters are kids. If you love mystery books, then this one will be just right for you. This book might interest you because it is a series. Each book has a great new mystery but the characters are the same.