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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


Written by Matt Dembick

Illustrated by Jack Lenzo

Reviewed by Jamison R. (age 9)


This is a story about Native American Folklore. In this book there are crafty creatures who cause trouble for human beings as well as each other. There are more than twenty clever tales in this book.

My favorite story was called "Rabbits Choctaw Tail Tale." It was about a funny, friendly rabbit who talked to much and loved fish. Fox tricks the rabbit into placing his long tail into the icy water to catch fish. The result is that rabbit loses his tail in the icy water. That is why rabbits have short puff puff tails to this day.

I really liked this book. The stories were short and kept me interested all the way through. The pictures were fun and exciting to look at. I like the fact that it is about Native American Tales put into comic book format. It makes it different from other books I have read. I liked reading this book because I am Native American and the stories are like the ones I hear from my elders.

Anyone who loves nature should read this book. It is a good book for fourth grade kids to read. I think even grown ups would find this book fun to read. Read this book and you will be glad you did.