1 The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Written by Kate DiCamillo

Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline

Reviewed by Faith A. (age 9)

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

In this wonderful book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, the main characters name is Edward Tulane. Edward at first lives with the Tulane family, but gets thrown off a ship! Edward is found after that by a kind old fisherman, but gets taken to the dump by a mean girl named Lolly. Months pass and Edward is found by a dog named Lucy. Lucy brings Edward to a hobo named Bull. Edward travels with the hobo and his dog for many years, but is kicked off a train. Edward is found by an old lady and used as a scarecrow. Edward is stolen by a boy named Bryce. Bryce gives Edward to his little sister Sarah Ruth who is very sick and might even die! Bryce takes Edward to Memphis, Tennessee to dance on the streets for money. Edward is given to a doll mender named Lucious Clark. Edward meets a mean, rude, and self-centered doll who makes fun of Edward because he is a rabbit doll. Then Edward meets a nice, loving, caring, and hopeful doll who gives Edward a lot of wisdom and tells him to keep his heart open.

I enjoyed the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, because it was exciting and interesting. As a reader, some moments might make you sigh with relief, some could break your heart, and some may make you jump with shock. When I was reading, I never wanted to put the book down—it was so good! I always wanted to find out what was going to happen next. Edward was always changing in this book. He always had a different name, new family, new clothing, and a new place to live. My favorite part was at the end when after many years of separation Edward was reunited with an old friend. It was my favorite part because Edward was probably feeling a lot of sadness that he was away from this friend for so long. I know I would.

I think the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, is an appropriate and a good book for 4th – 5th grader and maybe 6th graders. The book is an awesome book! I think it deserves a five-star rating! I also hope that Kate DiCamillo makes an Edward Tulane 2 because I think it would be as good as this one…maybe even better!